Some Miraculous Stomach Flu Remedies

Stomach flu hits everyone, once in a while and those are the times when you need the natural stomach flu remedies.The drugs and harsh medicines do not work on the main cause of the disease but just eliminate the symptoms and the pain.Stomach flu remedies which are herbal and made from natural ingredients always help in eradicating the virus from its root and not just the pain caused by the disease.Stomach flu can cause pain in the stomach, gas, constipation or even diarrhea.Some such remedies are as follows.

The herb Chamomile
Chamomile is an herbal plant which has many medicinal properties.When facing the troubles due to stomach flu Chamomile works wonders on your stomach.

Chamomile can be considered one of the best stomach flu remedies.All you have to do is use its leaves when boiling tea.It gives an aromatic blend to the tea and once consumed helps in killing the virus causing the disease.It also is known to reduce inflammations if any and sooth the nerves when sick.You can even add a few leaves to iced tea and drink it when not feeling well.

Lemon and mint
Lemon juice can be consumed as one of a beneficial stomach flu remedies.You could use in your herbal tea or drink a spoonful, freshly squeezed just after having your food.It helps in digestion and in reducing the stomach flu effects on your body.Mint is also a great remedy for stomach flu.It is known to kill bacteria in the stomach and helps calm down the nerves when facing the symptoms of stomach flu.It helps in digestion and would prevent any constipation or diarrhea problems due to stomach flu.

The green banana
When suffering from stomach flu and have constipation, it is known that the green banana or the not so ripe one can help clear the path in your stomach and intestine.It acts as one of effective stomach flu remedies and can be consumed for its nutritional value as well.Bananas contain magnesium and potassium and these are much needed when you have stomach flu.They are minerals needed for the smooth functioning of the heart.

When sick with stomach flu, you may face vomiting sessions and severe diarrhea.With this you body loses all the salts and can cause a salt deficiency in your body.In such cases replacing the lost salt with salt from soups and stews helps.Salt will help get your body the sodium it has lost and hence it acts as one of the good stomach flu remedies.

Turmeric is known as one of the best antiseptics and has anti-bacterial properties in it.When facing stomach flu you can add generous amounts of turmeric to your food.It is one of the best stomach flu remedies and helps in killing the virus and bacteria formed in your stomach.

There are many more stomach flu remedies like garlic, yogurt and blueberries.You can use any of these stomach flu remedies to cure yourself of the pain and trouble caused by the ailment.


Article Written by sanika.nirgudkar

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