Simple Methods To Get Relief From Itchy Eyes

Itchy eyes are not only a nuisance but also makes one feel uncomfortable.Itchy eyes are the result of hypersensitivity to dust or pollen particles.This may cause twitching or itching of your eyes.Often your body tries to fight off some virus or bacteria.This allergic reaction occurs as result of this.Running nose, sneezing are all accompanied when you have irritation in your eyes.

A recent survey shows that many individuals are victims of allergies of some kind.And seventy five of these allergies affect your eyes and cause itching in them.Itchy eyes relief methods are therefore sought after by many individuals.

Ways of preventing itchy eyes

Using a air filter- The best way of avoiding itchy eyes is to avoid the main cause of such irritation.But it is impossible to avoid dust and pollen particles that may be present in the air.When you are indoors, using a good air filter can be helpful in removing the dust particles which may cause itching in your eyes.

Using Butterbur extract- Butterbur extract is a natural way of preventing itchy eyes.This helps and prevents allergy symptoms responsible for causing itchiness in your eyes.This has been prescribed by doctors around the world as an effective itchy eyes relief method.
Using Perilla frutescens- Perilla frutescens is a plant of the mint family.It is used both as food and as medicine.It grows commonly all over Asia.In a recent survey, it has been found that people who took a daily dose of Perilla frutescens noticed a decrease in the symptoms leading to itchiness of the eyes.

Using antihistamine drugs- Antihisamine drugs help in blocking the histamine release, preventing the allergic reaction.When there will be no allergic reactions, there will be no itching in your eyes.These drugs are available as tablets, inhalers, nasal sprays, syrups and eye drops.However these drugs can sometimes cause side effects.It is better to consult your doctor before using them so as to avoid future complications.

Flavanoids- These are anti-oxidant compounds.These compounds help in strengthening your blood vessels, boosting your immunity and improving the circulation.This compound is available in fruits.Consuming apples can give you relief from itchy eyes.Quercitin is an important flavanoid and is found in onions.This compound is usually considered to be a building block for other flavanoids.Quercitin helps in preventing itchy eyes.

Itchy eyes relief methods are many, and it is the choice of the individual to choose the measure that he finds effective.However, one has to have a high endurance level to fight the problem of itchy eyes.Many people want to scratch or rub their eyes when it itches.Doing so will only aggravate the problem.Therefore, control yourself and you will be able to fight itchy eyes more easily than you ever thought of.


Article Written by sanika.nirgudkar

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